Monday 7 September 2015

Lesson 2 My lovely Potatoes


The vegetables that I love it very much is POTATO. No matter is mashed potato, potato wedges, William potatoes, French Fried or Hash brown,

Wow !!!

Lesson 2 what we are learnt for...... hahaha potatoes !!!!

I so excited and expected!!  Never mind let me show how to fall in love with Mr./Mrs Potatoes!!

Yeah~~~Now let me show you what I learn in the class!!!!!

First I must introduce the Potatoes Family.

The basic we have 3 types of  potatoes

1. New Potatoes

< This kind of potatoes it looks like clean and small.           Besidesthat, it skin color quite yellow. New potatoes are suitable in salad or hashbrown.

2.Old Potatoes
< The old potato it also looks small and a little bit brown skin. Then it look a little bit dirty. But this kind of potatoes not support for baking. The best ways you cook it is mash or pureeing.

3. Idaho Potatoes
   < The Idaho Potatoes are the most favourite types of potatoes that I love because the texture is so soft. This kind of potatoes are suitable for french fries. ╮(╯▽╰)╭


Hey~ ~ ~ Now let me show how to do a cute potatoes.

This potatoes name also very cute  their name are William & Croqnette.

Ingredients: Old Potatoes, salt and pepper, flour,egg, bread flour.

Step 1: Put some old potatoes into a pot of water and put on the stove. Then switch on the fire.

Step 2:Boil the old potatoes (please don't peel the skin ) about 30min~1 hour

Step 3:Put the potatoes in a bowl and dry it. Then, let us peel the potatoes skin.

Step 4: Now let us mashed it after that we need seasoning with salt and pepper.

Step 5: When we finish our seasoning, then we need to let it has a beautiful shape like PEAR & Long              tube.

Step 6: After the setting the shape we need to fry the William and Croqnette by breading.

Step 7: When you finish the breading you must quickly frying it because the bread crumb will change            the texture then you will feel crispy when you eat.

(This is the work I do with Dayang  Hahaha)

(This is the William and Croqnette that I do in my hometown >.<)

The next one is  ---------------Mashed Potato

Ingredient: 2~3 old potatoes ,salt &pepper, milk, cream,butter

Step 1: Cook a pot of water and putting some salt in the water.

Step 2: Used 2~3 old potatoes and peel them then cut into small pieces.

Step 3: Then put the potatoes inside the water and boil them about 30~50min

Step 4:After 30~50 min take out the potatoes and dry them, then mashed them.

Step 5:  Then we mash the potatoes add in some cream,milk ,salt & pepper.

Step 6: Besidesthat , you must put a little bit of butter when you are mashing the potatoes.

Step 7: Yeah~ ~ ~ ~ Now you can have your mashed potatoes.

(You need to see proper then you will know where is my mashed potatoes) 

The last one for my potatoes dishes is ---------------Gratin Potato

Ingredients:Old potatoes, Parmesan cheese, milk, egg, salt & pepper, Grutere cheese, cream, butter,                      flour.

Step 1:Peel the old potatoes and cut into slices.

Step 2: Blanch it maybe 3~4 min

Step 3:Drain the potatoes slice and arrange it in the containers.

Step 4:Take a saute pan, melt butter and put some flour.

Step 5: Switch off the fire and add milk & cream inside, then whisk them then put some salt &                        butter.

Step 6: Add an egg inside the milk then whisk them again.

Step 7:Put some parmesan cheese and grutere cheese on the container,then pour the milk inside the               container.

Step 8: On the top we put some parmesan cheese.

Step 9: Put it in the oven 180°c/20 min

Step 10:Yeah ~~ Delicious gratin potatoes complete!!!!!

(This is the gratin potato with our handmade french fried )

(This is the one I want to do it like this)

Saturday 29 August 2015

Lesson 2 Different Cutting of Vegetables , Tomato Concasse & saute the vegetable

Yeah, this is my first class of kitchen operation so excited and a little bit confused because I don't know my chef fierce or not??

By the way, my chef so nice and patient when he was teaching us.

My second class we start to cut different type of vegetables and we also learn how to saute vegetable.

This is first time I learn butter also can cook with vegetable. Wow, so surprise to me >....<

First let me show you what I learn about cutting the vegetables with different ways

This beautiful one is my cutting by my chef. Of course not me because mine will beautiful than my chef Haha ( sorry chef kidding lah hahaha )

This is my and Dayang works when cutting the vegetables I also don't forget to cut my finger 
(OMG SO~~~~~hurt !!!!!!!! )
Although it look a little bit messy but chef also praise our Cisoler cut very nice !!!

Yeah this work is I practice in my house haha. I do some decoration on the corner haha let it doesn't look so boring haha!!! 
(I tell my mum I cut my finger before telling her I think she will call me be careful next time by the way she not!!!! She just said next time you cut your finger You Change To Other Course!!!!! 
OMG Mum, I so regret to tell you!!!! T^T )

Now I can to show you how to do a Tomato Concasse 

Step 1: Boil a pot of hot water.
Step 2: Cut down the top of the tomato with your knife.

Step 3:Then use your knife draw a cross on the bottom of tomato.

Step 4: Prepare a bowl of ice water and put a lot of ice cubes.
Step 5: Put the tomato inside the boil water about 45 seconds.
Step 6: Then deep the tomato into the ice water about 30 seconds.
Step 7: Now you can peel your tomato skin easily.

 Now I want to show you how to saute the vegetables

Besidesthat we just not only can saute the vegetables, we also can saute the chicken fillet or mushroom, etc.

Okay, don't write too much Now  I show you the ways of saute vegetables from my chef

Ingredients : Butter, salt, pepper, some vegetables (such as broccoli, carrot, cauliflower, etc), ice water, garlic & onion.

Step 1: Cisoler the garlic and onion, 
Step 2: Blanch the vegetables with a pot of boil water about 2 min and put it into the iced water.
Step 3: Melt the butter with a saute pan, (PLEASE DON'T BURN YOUR BUTTER !!!!)
Step 4:Then put all the ingredients inside the saute pan except the salt and pepper.
Step 5: When all the vegetables already cooked, you can seasoning it with salt and pepper.
Step 6: Now you can serve your delicious Vegetable Saute.