Monday 7 September 2015

Lesson 2 My lovely Potatoes


The vegetables that I love it very much is POTATO. No matter is mashed potato, potato wedges, William potatoes, French Fried or Hash brown,

Wow !!!

Lesson 2 what we are learnt for...... hahaha potatoes !!!!

I so excited and expected!!  Never mind let me show how to fall in love with Mr./Mrs Potatoes!!

Yeah~~~Now let me show you what I learn in the class!!!!!

First I must introduce the Potatoes Family.

The basic we have 3 types of  potatoes

1. New Potatoes

< This kind of potatoes it looks like clean and small.           Besidesthat, it skin color quite yellow. New potatoes are suitable in salad or hashbrown.

2.Old Potatoes
< The old potato it also looks small and a little bit brown skin. Then it look a little bit dirty. But this kind of potatoes not support for baking. The best ways you cook it is mash or pureeing.

3. Idaho Potatoes
   < The Idaho Potatoes are the most favourite types of potatoes that I love because the texture is so soft. This kind of potatoes are suitable for french fries. ╮(╯▽╰)╭


Hey~ ~ ~ Now let me show how to do a cute potatoes.

This potatoes name also very cute  their name are William & Croqnette.

Ingredients: Old Potatoes, salt and pepper, flour,egg, bread flour.

Step 1: Put some old potatoes into a pot of water and put on the stove. Then switch on the fire.

Step 2:Boil the old potatoes (please don't peel the skin ) about 30min~1 hour

Step 3:Put the potatoes in a bowl and dry it. Then, let us peel the potatoes skin.

Step 4: Now let us mashed it after that we need seasoning with salt and pepper.

Step 5: When we finish our seasoning, then we need to let it has a beautiful shape like PEAR & Long              tube.

Step 6: After the setting the shape we need to fry the William and Croqnette by breading.

Step 7: When you finish the breading you must quickly frying it because the bread crumb will change            the texture then you will feel crispy when you eat.

(This is the work I do with Dayang  Hahaha)

(This is the William and Croqnette that I do in my hometown >.<)

The next one is  ---------------Mashed Potato

Ingredient: 2~3 old potatoes ,salt &pepper, milk, cream,butter

Step 1: Cook a pot of water and putting some salt in the water.

Step 2: Used 2~3 old potatoes and peel them then cut into small pieces.

Step 3: Then put the potatoes inside the water and boil them about 30~50min

Step 4:After 30~50 min take out the potatoes and dry them, then mashed them.

Step 5:  Then we mash the potatoes add in some cream,milk ,salt & pepper.

Step 6: Besidesthat , you must put a little bit of butter when you are mashing the potatoes.

Step 7: Yeah~ ~ ~ ~ Now you can have your mashed potatoes.

(You need to see proper then you will know where is my mashed potatoes) 

The last one for my potatoes dishes is ---------------Gratin Potato

Ingredients:Old potatoes, Parmesan cheese, milk, egg, salt & pepper, Grutere cheese, cream, butter,                      flour.

Step 1:Peel the old potatoes and cut into slices.

Step 2: Blanch it maybe 3~4 min

Step 3:Drain the potatoes slice and arrange it in the containers.

Step 4:Take a saute pan, melt butter and put some flour.

Step 5: Switch off the fire and add milk & cream inside, then whisk them then put some salt &                        butter.

Step 6: Add an egg inside the milk then whisk them again.

Step 7:Put some parmesan cheese and grutere cheese on the container,then pour the milk inside the               container.

Step 8: On the top we put some parmesan cheese.

Step 9: Put it in the oven 180°c/20 min

Step 10:Yeah ~~ Delicious gratin potatoes complete!!!!!

(This is the gratin potato with our handmade french fried )

(This is the one I want to do it like this)

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